Medicated liquids and oils are the products normally uses for Vasti. It has everything that you would prefer from a result oriented Ayurveda remedy. Vasti treatment in Pancha Karma is developed for removing toxin from the body and to stop vitiated doshas. In Vasti treatment, the mediated liquids and oils are passing through anus or vaginal canal and this method is effective for expelling body toxins. The procedure of Vasti has to mention. The medicinal substances and oil are the Vasti products. It has an amazing power to control and eliminate vata disorders. Sesame oil, calamus oil and some other herbal decoctions are using for vasti. In a liquid medium, the said items are applies in to rectum. Vasti is an Auyrvedic treatment ensures relax especially to vata disorders.
Kashaya vasti, Uttaravasti, Snehavasti, Siro vasti etc. are known as the main Vastis. It has a proven method of Ayurveda and the Vasti treatment is very effective in every aspect. In Pancha karma, the Vasti plays a key role and it ensures result and guaranteed relax to vata disorders.